Tuan Biswas sedang berada dalam sebuah Bus di sebuah desa terpencil ketika dia melihat ...."in the gloom, a boy was leaning against the hut, his hands behind him, staring at the road. He wore a vest and nothing more. The vest glowed white. In an instant the bus went by, noisy in the dark, through bush and level sugarcane fields. Mr. Biswas could not remember where the hut stood, but the picture remained: a boy leaning against an earth house that had no reason for being there, under the dark falling sky, a boy who didn’t know where the road, and that bus, went.....
seorang anak kecil berdiri menyandar pada sebuah gubuk tanah liat beratap ilalang di suatu senja, dia tidak tahu kemana jalan dan bus itu menuju....he just don't know...
12 tahun yang lalu
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